Can't intubate, can't ventilate.
Patient >12 years old
Consider as primary airway in massive maxfax trauma
- scalpel
- tracheal dilators
- tracheal dilators
- 15ch bougie
- 10ml syringe / tube tie
- Identify the cricothyroid membrane (fig 1). Clean the area.
- Use a scalpel to make a deep horizontal incision through skin and cricothyroid membrane (fig 2).
- Remove scalpel and insert dilators, spreading to hold open the hole (fig 3).
- Insert size 6.0 tracheostomy tube and inflate cuff, bougie may be helpful.
- Attach capnograph and confirm EtCO2 detection, auscultate.
- After oxygenating, pass suction catheter for blood / secretions.
- Secure tube with tracheostomy tie.
Fig 1. Cricothyroid membrane
Fig 2. Inscision
Fig 3. Inserting dilators
Fig 4. Inserting the tracheostomy tube