10.c • Glasgow coma scale

Add the scores for the best response in each category to achieve the total score.


Test Score  Patient's response
Eye opening
Spontaneous  4 Eyes open spontaneously      
To speech 3 Open eyes to verbal command
To pain 2 Open eyes to painful stimulus
None 1 Doesn't open eyes in response to stimulus
Motor response
Obeys 6 Reacts to verbal command
Localises 5 Attempts to remove source of pain
Withdraws 4 Flexes & withdraws from pain stimulus
Abnormal flexion 3 Flexes but does not localise pain
Abnormal extension  2 Extends limbs
None 1 No response, just lies flaccid
Verbal response
Orientated 5 Is orientated and converses
Confused 4 Disorientated and confused
Inappropriate words 3 Replies randomly with incorrect words
Incomprehensible  2 Incomprehensible sounds
None 1 No response                        
Total score


Eye opening As per adult scale
Motor response As per adult scale
Verbal response
Appropriate words or social smiles, fixes on and follows objects 5
Cries but is consolable 4
Persistently irritable 3
Restless, agitated 2
Silent 1
Total score